Stonington Garden Club
– Beautification – Conservation – Education –
Garden Tips & Hints

September – Prepare your beds for fall planting, working organic matter into the soil.
October – Divide and transplant early-blooming perennials.
November – Finish cleaning up the garden. Add winter mulch after the ground has frozen.
December – Plan to mulch with evergreen branches at end of the month. Leave brown foliage of ornamental grasses for winter interest.
January – Check your winter mulch, adding additional amounts if necessary. Old Christmas tree branches help to prevent loose mulches from being scattered by the wind.
February – Look for early-blooming bulbs like Galanthus (Snowdrops) and Eranthus (Winter Aconite), and early plants like Hellborus (Christmas Rose).
March – Cut ornamental grasses to the ground at the end of the month.
April – Remove all winter debris and remaining mulches. Watch for early signs of disease or insect problems. Begin staking plants that will need support.
May – Sow seeds if perennials outdoors, making sure the seedbed contains adequate organic matter. Perennial and biennial seeds can be planted through September.
June – Pinch chrysanthemums and similar plants to encourage side branch development. Watch for slugs. Deadhead and remove yellowed foliage from bulbs.
July – Watering and weeding are major concerns; mulch will facilitate both. Soak the garden, remove the weeds, and then mulch to retain moisture and reduce weed-seed germination. Dig and divide bearded Irises.
August – Cut back perennials that have finished blooming, but leave some foliage.
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