Stonington Garden Club
– Beautification – Conservation – Education –
What is IPM?
Why Use IPM?
Why Reduce Pesticide Use?
Read labels and avoid these toxic chemicals
Be Aware of What “Lawn Care” Companies are Putting on Your Lawn!
Information Resources
What is IPM?
Integrated Pest Management is the utilization of a variety of control strategies and garden enhancement techniques using organic chemicals and leaving the least toxic chemicals only as a last resort. These include pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides. Specific pest and weed problems are resolved using methods that are effective, yet safer for our well-being and the environment. Home gardeners profit by spending less on pesticides and taking fewer health risks.
Why Use IPM?
To more safely restore a natural landscape which is resistant to insect, fungus and weed problems for the benefit of our families and the health of future generations.
Why Reduce Pesticide Use?
The EPA has hardly begun to investigate the compounded effects of chemicals on our food quality. It has determined that dursban, diazinon, orthene and malathion create an unreasonable risk to both adults and children. Related pesticides are being identified and phased out.
Exposure to lawn and garden pesticides is reported to increase the risk of:
– leukemia
– non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
– soft tissue sarcoma
– kidney damage
– genetic defects
– asthma & respiratory disorders
– learning & developmental disorders
– behavioral disorders
Read labels and avoid:
Insecticides: carbaryl, chlordane, chlopyrifos, DDT-DDE, diazinon, dicofol, isenphenfos, lindane, malathion, methoxchlor.
Herbicides: 2,4-D, dicamba, dacthal MCPA, MCPP, trifluralin
Fungicides: chlorothalonil
Be Aware of What “Lawn Care” Companies are Putting on Your Lawn!
Lawn Care companies say they are “organic-based” if only 50% of the fertilizer they use is organic. Ask your Lawn Care company what chemicals they use, how long they last, and how long you should stay off a treated lawn? Do they use the least toxic method of control?
Information Resources:
The Garden Club of America
Pamphlets from the Conservation Committee
United States National Arboretum
An excellent site for current IPM news.
The Rachel Carson Council
Provides understandable scientific information about human health and the environment.
The IPM Practitioner
A directory of least toxic pest control products from Bio-Integral Resource Center: $15.00
(510) 524-2567 or
Pesticide Action Network North America
A comprehensive list of alternatives to pesticides for virtually every pest problem.
(415) 541-9140
An information organization which sends out free informative e-mail.
Email: [email protected]
Nature Works
Organic garden center in North Branford, Connecticut
Nancy DuBrule (860) 484-2748
Northeast Organic Farming Assoc. of Connecticut
(203) 888-5146
Organic Land Care Committee of Connecticut & Massachusetts
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